Below are the steps used to generate the IDU coverage for this effort. The final projection used is WGS 1984
Step Description Inputs Outputs
1. Merge County-level parcel coverages
  1. Using ArcGIS's Merge tool, combine the coverages. 
  1. The Lane coverage had type errors that need to be fixed prior to the merge.
  2. Several problematic fields, including "formatteda" "unformatte", "cnty_acctn", "acctnum", "unit_num", "lot","range", "township", "section", "quar_sec", and "block" were eliminated in the merge
OrCoast.gdb/ Parcel_Merge_1
2.  Clip the parcels to the study area boundary
  1. Using ArcGIS's Clip tool, clip the parcels to the study area boundary
OrCoast.gdb/ Parcel_Merge_1

OrCoast.gdb/ Parcel_Clip_2
3. Generate an initial IDU geometry from this coverage.
  1. Export Parcel_Clip_2 to IDU_3 usinf ArcGIS's Copy Features tool
  2. Using ArcGIS's Delete Field tool, delete unnecessary/redundant fields from IDU_3 (OBJECT_ID_1, MapNumber, ORMapNum, TaxLot, MapTaxlot, Shape_Leng, state, fipscode, mapreferen, censustrac, latitude, longitude, housenum, add_dir, street, zipcode, gar_type, pool, ac, heating,roofcover, rooftype, saledate, saleprice, transactio, street_typ, tax, assessedye, RMV_2004-RMV_2014, acres, sqfeet_lot, effectivey, fin_baseme, fireplace,gar,sqfeet_grd, sqfeet_bas, sqfeet_gar, fp_type. floodzonec)
OrCoast.gdb/ Parcel_Clip_2 OrCoast.gdb/ IDU_3
4. Generate a "Combined Subdivision" geometry Dissolve parcels in unique subdivisions to generate a "simplified geometry" coverage.

4.  Populate Population Densities
  1. Using the Census Block coverage, add [PopDens], [PopDensHis] field for All, Hispanic populations using ArcGIS's Field Calculator tool.
  2. Using ArcGIS's Spatial Join tool, add the two popdens fields to the IDU coverage using the "Have Center In" match option

5.  Populate FEMA Flood Zone
  1. Using the FEMA coverage, join the FLD_ZONE field to the IDU coverage using ArcGIS's Spatial Join tool, using the "Have Center In" match option
OrCoast.gdb/IDU_4 OrCoast.gdb/IDU_5
6.  Populate Tsunami Hazard Info
  1. Using the SB379_pl geodabase, join the TSUNAMI379 field to the IDU coverage using ArcGIS's Spatial Join tool, using the "Have Center Within" match option
7. Populate UGBs
  1. Using the OrCoast.gdb OCF_UGB_2017coverage, join the instCode and InstName field to the IDU coverage using ArcGIS's Spatial Join tool, using the "Have Center Within" match option.
  2.  Rename the resulting "instCode" and "instName" to "ugb" and "ugbName", respectively using ArcGIS's Alter Field tool.
9. Populate Zoning
  1. Using the Oregon_Zoning_2017.shp coverage, join the "orZCode" and "orZDesc" fields to the IDU coverage using ArcGIS's Spatial Join tool, using the "Have Center Within" match option.
  2. Add fields "ZoneA" and "ZoneB" to the IDU coverage using the Add Field tool
  3. Population these two fields with the Field Calculator tool and the Python scripts located in the /Scripts directory
OrCoast.gdb/IDU_7 OrCoast.gdb/IDU_8
10. Populate Goal 18 Info
  1. Using the g18_inventory_20150413_espg2992.shp coverage, join the "G18Status" field to the IDU coverage using ArcGIS's Spatial Join tool, using the "Intersect" match option.
11. Populated BPS Info
  1. Using the gShoreline_Protection_Structures_OPRD_2014_epsg2992.shp coverage, join the "PermitID" field to the IDU coverage using ArcGIS's Spatial Join tool, using the "Intersect" (?) match option
  2. Using the Shoreline_Protection_Structures_OPRD_2014_epsg2992.shp coverage, use ArcGIS's Summarize Within tool  with SHAPE_Leng as the summary field and enabling "Add summary shape attributes".  This will compute the length os each BPS line in an IDU.
  3. Rename the summary field containing the intersection length to L_BPS
  4. .


12. Reclassify County Codes
  1. Using the selection and field calcuator tools, reclassify the county codes for the IDU coverage
13. Populate distance to coast
  1. Using the OrCoast.gdb Coastline coverage and ArcGIS's Near tool, populate NEAR fields
  2. Delete NEAR_FID field using ArcGIS's Delete Field tool
  3. Rename NEAR_DIST field to D_COAST using ArcGIS's Alter Field tool
13. Populate elevations
  1. Using the 10 DEM and ArcGIS's Zonal Statistics as Table tool, populate MINIMUM, MEAN, and MAXIMUM fieldss, using the IDU's as zones.
  2. Join the IDU coverage to the zonal statistics table.
  3. Rename MINIMUM, MEAN, and MAXIMUM fields to Elev_Mean, Elevation, and ElevMax using ArcGIS's Alter Field tool
10m Oregon DEM
14.  Populate distance to critical facilities
  1. Using the CriticalFacilities coverage and ArcGIS's Near tool, populate NEAR fields
  2. Delete NEAR_FID field using ArcGIS's Delete Field tool
  3. Rename NEAR_DIST field to D_CRIT_INF using ArcGIS's Alter Field tool
Elevation Grid Clip Oregon 10m DEM gdb to study area boundaries.  Note that the original coverage has vertical units of "feet".  The final coverage is converted to vertical meters usign the raster calculator 10m Oregon DEM OrCoast.gdb/ dem_10meter_meters
  Export the IDU coverage from the OrCoast geodatabase