
Envisions' DataMapper is based on the following concepts:

Basic Building Blocks of a DataMapper WebApp

Map Types and Sources

The DataMapper allows specification of map layer from multiple sources, as specified in the table below:
Map TypeDescriptionYear TypesInteractiveExampleNotes
MapServerWMSMapServer WMS serverSingleYearYes{scenario}/IDU/{year}_{run}.map
SQLiteGeoJSON filen/aNo/Topic/Deschutes/Outputs/Urban_Growth_Boundary.jsonStatic maps overlayed on IDUs
GeoJSONServer-hosted GeoJSON filen/aNo/Topic/Deschutes/Outputs/Urban_Growth_Boundary.jsonStatic maps overlayed on IDUs

Map/Data Sources

DataMapper application can get map layers throught the mechanisms describe in the table above. These sources are described in more detail below.

MapServer WMS

IDU Layers, and similarly prepared layers, can be accessed using a Web Map Service (WMS) interface. For example, specifying the in the {datasetName}Info.json: let src = "" + scenario + "/IDU/" + year + ".map";

SQLite Databases (Datasets)

The DataMapper uses one or more SQLite databases (termed "datasets") that store spatial and non-spatial data, including temporal changes and associated geomeries. These datasets are described below. Datasets are stored as SQLite databases located on the server at: {studyArea}/Outputs/SQLiteDBs/{scenario}/{datasetName}.sqlite. They are generated by a Python script...

All Envision application will have, at a minimum, an IDU dataset for each scenario. This dataset contains three table types:

Conformant SQLite tables can be accessed through the Envision Web Services API. To be available to the WebAPI interfaces, the application needs to generate an SQLite database located at {studyArea}/Outputs/SQLiteDBs/{scenario}/{datasetName].sqlite. This allows additional layers beyond the IDU layers indicated to be automatically included in a DataMapper application.

Conformant datasets have the following qualities:

  1. Year Type='SingleYear' => should represent the dataset coverage for a given (single) year (no geometry); scenario, year, run encoded in table name
  2. Year Type='MultiYear' => must contain the fields "YEAR" and "SCENARIO"
IDUMapServer WMS serverSingleYearYes{scenario}/IDU/{year}_{run}.map
  • generating a {DatasetName}Info.json file describing the dataset, located in the {studyArea}/Outputs/ folder
  • generating a {DatasetName}Info.json file describing the dataset, located in the {studyArea}/Outputs/ folder